To start with it looked as though the Easter Weekend would be a bust. First the washing machine broke down, then the boiler stopped working and finally the weather forecast looked shocking. So we set our stall out for lazing at home and making the most of it. Rather like this Goldfinch, which we saw during a bit of back garden birding on Saturday.
Then, miracle of miracles, the new washing machine was delivered first thing on Friday. Also British Gas was as good as its word and Jeff arrived on Saturday to fix the boiler. And the sun came out - both metaphorically in the Walton household and physically over the east coast. So pack the picnic, its off to Blacktoft Sands on Sunday.
Did I say the sun was shining? Well most of the time.........

The views were worth it though. Lots of water and plenty of birds.
Managed three more Year Ticks - Reed Bunting, Swallow and Avocet. The Marsh Harriers were spectacular - at one time we counted ten in the air round Singleton Hide. Even the Snipe came out into the open.
We were hoping for more waders, but the Black Tailed Godwit were the only ones that would stay still enough to be photo'd.
Nice shot of the Snipe Phil, the Marsh Harriers never disappoint do they. Linda